surreal oil painting Journey inspired by friends

Oil Paintings

I paint what I want to paint. I see an image begin to form in my mind and more often or not reach straight for the canvas, although sometimes will work in my sketchbook making preliminary marks for the sake of assembling the ideas.

I walk every day with my two large dogs. For enjoyment and exercise, as I walk I think and I see. The shapes in nature speak to me, reminding me of events and feelings which my imagination morphs into surreal oil images. I find oil paintings best suit my style of working. The fluidity of the medium feels like dancing when I am using it.

From a young age I had a vivid imagination encouraged by my architect father. As an avid historian he would take me to galleries, castles, museums explaining the history, pointing out when and why things were created. This instilled in me a fascination with these past figures who had walked the same paths as I was walking. Also an art lover he introduced me to artists such as Dali, Bosch, Cezanne and more. Thus began my love of surreal oil paintings and the nurturing of my vivid imagination.

Move to Watercolours.